How Does Home Care Nursing Help ALS Patients?

Older adults need more care and attention, especially during tough times. As they age, older adults have lower immunity strength and often get sick, whatever the season may be. Some even have disorders like Alzheimer’s, dementia, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and many more. One of the common disorders that most elders get affected by is Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This condition requires at most home nursing for the patient to feel comfortable and safe. Hence, approach the best home care nursing in Chennai for the excellent services and treatments. So, ALS is a medical condition where the nerve cells in the spinal cord and brain get affected. It is also referred to as Lou Gehrig’s disease, and the cause for this disorder is unknown. Some researchers say that lifestyle, genetic, and environmental factors may constitute the reasons for this disease. Hence, these patients require some additional care and comfort as their requirements change over time. Therefore, in this post, let us see how home care nursing helps ALS patients effectively.


The foremost benefit of hiring home care nursing services is they are professionals and experts. Most of the home care services in Chennai hire those who are registered and licensed nurses. Hence, they have sound knowledge about the profession and have quite experience in the field. Therefore, these professionals can handle and manage the ALS symptoms of patients. In case of a critical condition, the home care nurses can manage the patient in ventilator and suctioning care. They can also handle bowel programs, assist them with mobility, and administrate during the medications.

Personal care:

Another prime benefit of hiring the home care nursing service is they provide personal care to the ALS patient. ALS patients find it hard to manage their daily activities and tasks. So, they require well-trained nursing staff who can assist ALS patients throughout the day. They provide help like grooming and dressing the patient with the required equipment, bathing, toileting, safe-walking, nutritional diet, and many more.

Therapeutic care:

Thirdly, the home care service also provides therapeutic care like physical therapy, respiratory therapy, speech therapy, and many more. These various services are provided at home comfort for ALS patients, thus increasing their independence and confidence. Light physical therapy can improve body function slightly and prevent muscle pain. Speech therapy can be improved by using a communication device like a tablet and treating swallowing disorders.

Hence, it is advisable to choose elderly care services at home in Chennai for effective support for older adults. Therefore, consider the tips shared in the post for better services.

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